Monday, April 5, 2010

2011 Senior17 Model Premier!!

I am getting SO excited for the upcoming 2011 Senior season!! We have so many awesome things planned for the year a head! First and foremost, we have our Class of 2011 Model Premier next Saturday, April 17th, here at the studio from 2pm to 5pm. I am seriously on pins and needles for it to get here already. We are going to have such a blast! Not only will everyone FINALLY get to see all of the model's images and go home with lots of loot, but one lucky winner will win their own Flip Video camera!!! It is seriously going to be AWESOME!!! AND the best part is that everyone is invited!!!

Make sure to put it on your calendar and stop by the studio anytime between 2pm and 5pm. Our address is 3229 Summit Sq Pl, Ste 100, Lexington, KY 40509.

If you have any questions at all please call me, 859.263.2888, or email me at!!! Here is a peak at my 2011 Senior Models Wall of Fame shot! To see the rest of their images from their model shoots make sure to come to the Premier!

See You THERE!!